
The Norwegian EASI team was established in 2011 with the goal of improving the performance of autoimmunity diagnostics, mostly by education of clinicians and laboratory staff and by improving the communication between the laboratory and clinicians. EASI Norway focusses also on standardization and harmonization of tests, algorithms and interpretation of results. The Norwegian EASI team is also working in close collaboration with the European EASI groups. EASI group Norway is active participating in international studies and projects initiated by the European EASI group.

Publications and activities

Link to usefull national websites

Norwegian Association for Immunology and Transfusion Medicine (NFIT):
NFIT is a professional medical association for the specialty immunology and transfusion medicine and for others interested in the subject. On this page you can find professional content, news in the subject, information about the association's activities and links to other associations and courses for the specialty in the Nordic region.

NFIT: https://www.legeforeningen.no/foreningsledd/fagmed/norsk-forening-for-immunologi-og-transfusjonsmedisin/